history research woodlawnWoodlawn offers a treasure trove of information for historians and genealogy enthusiasts. We retain copies of all interment records. The interment record includes information such as: date of death; place of death; last place of residence; date of birth; place of birth; cause of death; parents’ names; and sometimes an obituary.

You may request a copy of an interment record or information for any deceased person buried at Woodlawn. If you wish a copy of the interment record, there may be a fee for each interment record search.

Please keep in mind, not all searches will provide the specific information you seek. Also, requests for information may take several weeks to be completed based on the number of inquiries received at any one time. Thank you for your patience.

Research Inquiries can be made online to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone or mail.

Woodlawn Notable Families Page - Background on notable Toledo families buried at Historic Woodlawn Cemetery. (Part of the history section of this website)

Genealogy has become a popular pursuit for hobbyists. Many resources are available on line and Ancestry.com, Familysearch.org and Heritagequestonline.com are recommended by local historians. The local History & Genealogy Department, Toledo-Lucas County Public Library is also an excellent resource.