Make your donation today to help support Woodlawn Cemetery & Arboretum:
Click here to donate.


woodlawn appeal brochureThank you for your interest in donating to the Historic Woodlawn Foundation fund.

The Foundation’s Board of Directors – civic, cultural, educational and religious leaders – welcomes your participation. Your donation will go toward Board identified initiatives that further the mission of the Foundation. Past restoration projects have included: Level II Arboretum certification, roadway work, grounds and gardens. We have initiated a bench installation program as well as arboretum care management systems. The Foundation also develops and promotes educational initiatives and community events at Woodlawn Cemetery.

It is our hope that you join our community of supporters in maintaining the peaceful beauty we know at Woodlawn.

For questions about Woodlawns programs and projects, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or contact Patty Toneff at 419-472-2186.

Please consider a donation to Woodlawn today.

Woodlawn Donate Button

Contact or send donations to our development office:

1502 West Central Avenue, Toledo, OH 43606
419-472-2186 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


woodlawn donor page bench photo
Legacy Bench ($2,500 Donation)

An opportunity to honor a loved one and share the beauty of Woodlawn. A six foot bench, made of high quality steel, set on concrete, with a 7 x 5 engraved stainless steel plaque. Twenty bench sights left, areas that give beautiful vistas of the nature and history of Woodlawn.


Woodlawn Tree Donation Program

Each May thousands of spectacular blooms dot the landscape of Woodlawn, when hundreds of spring flowering trees put on a beautiful show. Most of these have been part of Woodlawn since our beginning in 1876.
Many of these spring flowering trees have aged out and are in decline. With the assistance of our Tree Inventory Arborist, we have made a species list of trees to replenish our flowering collection. We need your help, choose your favorite tree to donate and be part of our spring flowering tree collection. Your name will be added to the Spring Collections Care Plaque, displayed in the administration office.
The program enables you to donate a tree of your choice from the list provided. The tree is 6 to 8 feet in height and approximately 1 1/2—2” two inches in diameter at a cost of $600 each. The first planting will be the fall of 2019.